Musgrave: Bullying people most important thing in America
Protecting traditional marriage is the most important issue Americans face today, Rep. Marilyn Musgrave said Friday, as she called on social conservatives to support candidates like herself who oppose same-sex marriages.
Speaking at the Family Research Council's 2006 Values Voter Summit, Musgrave, a Fort Morgan Republican, said she agrees with those who say legalized gay marriage would destroy religious freedoms.
Angie Paccione isn't putting up with that kind of crap!
Musgrave's opponent in the election, Democrat Angie Paccione, called Musgrave's comments outrageous.
"It's one more example of how out of touch she is with Colorado," Paccione said in a telephone interview. "Holy smokes, we're at war, we've lost nearly 3,000 people and thousands more are maimed.
"We have over 46 million Americans without health insurance. Weld County, one of her counties, led the country in (mortgage) foreclosures. You think they care about the federal marriage amendment?"