Friday, September 21, 2007

Marilyn Musgrave: Full of it [UPDATED]

In order to try and look busy, Marilyn Musgrave is resorting to making stuff up, according to Randy Fischer and John Kefalas.
It is important to note that Powertech has yet to submit an application for mining in the Nunn/Wellington area. In addition, the state of Colorado is a so-called "agreement state." This means that the U.S. NRC and the state have entered into an agreement that gives Colorado the sole jurisdiction over radioactive materials, including uranium mining. Therefore, there is no public comment being taken at this time by either Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board or the NRC on this or any other uranium mining projects in Colorado, contrary to a recent article by Congresswoman Musgrave.
Go read where Marilyn Musgrave makes up stuff about stopping uranium mining.


The Greeley Tribune points out Musgrave's fluff.
U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Fort Morgan, said last month that she'd succeeded in getting the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to extend its comment period regarding procedures for uranium mining.

Powertech's opponents felt somewhat edified, until Powertech and Democratic lawmakers pointed out that the NRC has no permitting authority here, so that comment extension was moot.
It's good they are catching on. Maybe they should fact check her next press release.