Friday, May 19, 2006

KKK, CCC, David Duke, and Tony Perkins

The blogger Wash Park Prophet fills us in on the KKK's relationship with the usual suspects:
There have even been Ku Klux Klan connections to Colorado politics in recent history.
[T]he Family Research Council (associated with - and at the time a part of - Focus on the Family) paid former KKK leader David Duke $82,000 for - you guessed it - a membership list from the KKK.
It really isn't surprising that politicians like Musgrave win KKK approval. Indeed, both Republican Representative Tancredo's anti-immigrant movement and Marilyn Musgrave's Christian conservative movement have intellectual roots in the second KKK, the incarnation that dominated Colorado politics in the early 1920s.
James Dobson founded Focus on the Family, remember. More from The Nation on Tony Perkins, boss of the Family Research Council, the one who bought the KKK's list:
Four years ago, Perkins addressed the Louisiana chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), America's premier white supremacist organization, the successor to the White Citizens Councils, which battled integration in the South. In 1996 Perkins paid former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,500 for his mailing list. At the time, Perkins was the campaign manager for a right-wing Republican candidate for the US Senate in Louisiana. The Federal Election Commission fined the campaign Perkins ran $3,000 for attempting to hide the money paid to Duke.
Recognize any more names?
The Council for National Policy (CNP), an ultra-secretive, right-wing organization, was the outcome of that meeting. The CNP hooked up theocrats like R.J. Rushdoony, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell with wealthy movement funders like Amway founder Richard DeVos and beer baron Joseph Coors. As DeVos famously said, the CNP "brings together the doers with the donors."
Tip of the iceberg. Colorado is the ground zero of the Dobson-Perkins-Coors corporate-theocrat machine that is trying to push extremism and hate into America's heart in order to destroy the Constitution.

Musgrave is just some of its acne -- but it's spreading.

Republicans split in Larimer

The Daily Reporter-Herald interviews a lot of Larimer County bigwig Republicans about the health of the party, and it isn't a pretty sight:
Former Larimer County Republican Party Chairman and House District 51 Rep. Bill Kaufman said there’s a disconnect between the party leadership and the party’s traditional base: the business community.
Pro-business Republicans tired of infighting and wedge issues are forming a group outside of the county party. Tee hee.

Scott said business leaders do not want to leave a legacy of crumbling school and highway systems.

“A mindless, anti-tax approach would shift the burden to the next generation and would make us fundamentally noncompetitive in the quest to get good jobs for our people,” Scott said.

Why is the party such a mess? Why does it eat its own (like Democrats)?

The Christian Coalition of Colorado helped shape the party’s executive committee in 2003, said former party chairman Ed Haynes. The committee manages internal party functions and sometimes participates in vacancy committees.

Haynes said the coalition presented a slate of candidates who were strong Musgrave supporters.

Candidates who did not support Musgrave, or those who could not be controlled, did not make it onto the slate of candidates, Haynes said.

Haynes said it happened in all counties in the 4th Congressional District.

He’s not sure how successful the campaign was elsewhere, but in Larimer County, it worked.

“They were very successful in getting very strong Marilyn supporters on the board, instead of supporting all Republican candidates,” Haynes said.

Knuckle under -- or you're out! Some BS for you:

Larimer County Republican Party Chairwoman Nancy Hunter said there’s not a divide in the party. She said people discuss and debate, but there is not a split. She said there is no litmus test to be a candidate.

Want to know just how much the party is a wing of the Musgrave campaign? - the article doesn't point this out - but this Nancy Hunter day job is at Marilyn's Loveland office! Talk about "owning" the party machine!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Marilyn's got KKK love

Because pacified of Daily Kos and Soapblox is reading the Muskrat Hunter, the rest of us are all reading about how much the Ku Klux Klan looooooves Marilyn Musgrave. Rachel Pendergraft
of the Grand Council thinks Marilyn is just swell:

Marilyn Musgrave - Woman in Congress - fights for what's right!

You lie down with dogs . . . . . .

The KKK just loves the idea of writing anti-gay discrimination into the US Constitution. And why not?

Musgrave points out that the homosexual movement is now making use of the many liberal judges appointed during the Clinton administration. Homosexuals are going to unelected judges to get their way rather than going through the legislative process.

That's right, and because paranoid whities can't have their kids mixin' with T H E M in the public schools - it makes it harder to kitchentable-brainwash the little ones ahead of theend times race war millenialist psycho fantasy - they love Marilyn for her homeschool bill. Here's the KKK endorsement:

Chris Klicka and his group -- the Home School Legal Defense Association -- wrote the bill. With the home school movement almost 25 years old, he said it's time to get Uncle Sam moving with the times.

"The federal government needs to catch up with the home-school movement," Klicka said. "The home-schoolers are growing up. As a result, the laws need to be adjusted to reflect this new status or this new type of student that's out there."

This HSLDA is run by a creepy Christian Identity crew that has a vision of turning America into a right-wing theocracy, or maybe just Bosnia, circa 1992. Head honcho Michael Farris, for instance, wants "to take the land." Chris Klicka, one of their lawyers, said:

"Sending our children to public schools violates nearly every Biblical principle... It is tantamount to sending our children to be trained by the enemy."

No wonder the KKK loves 'em.

Why is Marilyn Musgrave carrying legislation written by people who want to turn America into a radical theocracy?

Can you see now why supporting Angie Paccione means so much? Why so much is on the line?

Well done, Hunter!

Here they go again

The Senate is playing that same old tune on gay marriage. Wayne Allard is going to force a vote on it, because Lord knows he doesn't have anything better to do with war, deficits, debt, and lurking terrorists.

And all the big shot right-wing theocrats are going on and on about how mad they are at Republicans.
Focus founder Dr. James Dobson recently warned Republicans that they could be punished at the polls if they abandon social conservatives who played a key role in the 2004 elections.
Where are you, Marilyn? Your people need you.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Can't stop "acheiving"!

Marilyn Musgrave is flooding our mail boxes with taxpayer-funded literature talking about how great she is. It's one of the things that got her named one of the "13 Most Corrupt" members of Congress.

Her congressional "Acheivement" report, though, got a lot of laughs out of us taxpayers - taxpayers like Mike Peters - so maybe it was "wroth" it. Everyone likes to laugh . . . especially at clowns. Clowns are funny.

Marilyn seems to agree, since she's back at it again. This time? Can't even spell her own name right.

Thanks Muskrat Hunter!