Friday, June 23, 2006


Simple idea:
Our sole reason for existence at Register Five Democrats (RFD) is to get Democratic candidates elected to Congress and the Senate for the 2006 midterm elections. In order to attain this end, we at RFD intend to register as many progressive voters as is humanly possible for this election. Don't just sit on your butt and complain about the ugliness of the Bush administration. Get active! Become a member of Register Five Democrats.

More equal than you!

ProgressNow says Send Marilyn Musgrave a Message:
Last week Marilyn Musgrave voted herself a pay raise -- a $3,330 increase, bringing her up to nearly $170,000 a year. Tell Musgrave to support a minimum wage increase for working families in Colorado too.

Congress has passed 9 pay raises for themselves since the last minimum wage increase in 1996. Meanwhile, 8 million Americans are still stuck far below the poverty line at $5.15 an hour. The buying power of the federal minimum wage is currently at its lowest level in 51 years.

Fortunately, Cololado voters will have the opportunity on the November ballot to vote on a minimum wage increase in this state. If Musgrave can vote herself a raise, she can support one for Colorado's working families. Call on Musgrave to endorse the citizens' initiative in Colorado to raise the minimum wage by completing the form below.

Too busy doing . . . what? is putting up these "power rankings" of all the congresspeople. Looks like ol' Marilyn is coming up just a little short in the Influence Department.

Four years, four committees, majority party, Tom DeLay's plaything . . . you'd think she'd slightly more influence than zeeeeeeero!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Follow the crooks

Marilyn Musgrave's heroes:
House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) made a $2 million profit last year on the sale of land 5 1/2 miles from a highway project that he helped to finance with targeted federal funds.

A Republican House member from California, meanwhile, received nearly double what he paid for a four-acre parcel near an Air Force base after securing $8 million for a planned freeway interchange 16 miles away. And another California GOP congressman obtained funding in last year's highway bill for street improvements near a planned residential and commercial development that he co-owns.

Here's the rotten details:

In 2002, Hastert was driving to a parade in Sycamore, Ill., when he saw a post-and-beam house he fell in love with, according to Dallas C. Ingemunson, a longtime friend and ally of Hastert's who made the land deals for the speaker. Hastert struck a deal with the owner on the spot, purchasing the house near Plano, Ill., and 195 acres for $2.1 million.

In February 2004, Ingemunson, treasurer of Hastert's campaign committee and chairman of the Kendall County Republican Party, established Little Rock Trust #225. A week later, through the trust, Hastert and his business partners purchased a 69-acre parcel for $340,000, providing road access to part of Hastert's farm that had been landlocked. Hastert owned a quarter of that parcel.

In May 2005, Hastert transferred the 69 acres of previously hemmed-in land from his farm to the land trust. That summer, Hastert personally intervened during House and Senate negotiations over a huge transportation and infrastructure bill to secure two separate earmarks, $152 million to help build the Prairie Parkway through Kendall County and $55 million for an interchange 5 1/2 miles from his property. President Bush signed the bill into law on Aug. 10.

Then, on Dec. 7, Little Rock Trust #225 sold the Hastert parcels to a subsidiary of the Robert Arthur Land Co. for nearly $5 million. The deal netted Hastert a $2 million profit.

Musgrave's boss.

Hardly workin'?

We're in the middle of a do-nothing Congress, so how is Marilyn Musgrave spending her time?

June 29, 2006 8:00 am

Rise and Shine Breakfast with Majority Whip Roy Blunt in Honor of Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave

Capitol Hill Club$1000 per PAC & $500 per individual RSVP to Amanda Ackerman-
Phone:(703)249-8593 Fax:
(202)318-2572 Email:

Tough work, if you can get it.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Musgrave Watching

Musgrave Watch announces he's back! And so are we . . . .

Sorry we didn't get around to covering covering dogshit-gate, a Weld County Dem's smelly protest against the bullshit Marilyn has been stuffing in our mailboxes at taxpayer expense. Here's the lowdown, along with some opportunistic horseshit thrown in for fun:
Her bill to treat homosexuals as sub-human is expected to go before the House this summer . Her spokesman, Shaun Kenney, has never seen anything like the package that was delivered on the evening of May 31.

"This is June," said Musgrave spokesman Shaun Kenney. "It's not October or November, and already we're getting poop stuck in our mail box. It's gutter politics. It's disgusting. It's beyond mudslinging. It just does not have any place in politics. It's unethical campaigning."

The poo wasn't just left in a mailbox of Musgrave's Greeley office, though. No, it was shoved through the mail slot of Musgrave's office. While it is reprehensible, it doesn't appear to have been a form of "campaigning."

Even more shocking than the act was the fact that Yvonne Ensz, 63, used an easily traceable envelop. She made only a half-assed attempt at blacking out the preprinted address, leaving her nine-digit zip code readable.

D'oh! Here's how the 2004 Green Party CD-4 candidate, Bob Kinsey, explains it:

If there is a law against misusing noxious substances, there is also a law against misusing congressional franking privileges. U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave misused that privilege in the 2004 campaign of which I was a part.

The fluffy, full-color image pieces she sent out, supposedly to inform citizens about what is going on in Congress, were a blatant misuse of her franking privilege and of government printing services paid for by taxpayers of both parties. These mailings were offensive trash. They were also evidence that Musgrave may have been breaking the law.

The only way the 4th Congressional District can stop this noxious behavior is to replace Musgrave with Angie Paccione. The Democratic Party record with regard to legal use of the frank is much better than Musgrave's.

Shame on her and not on Kathleen Ensz or whomever discovered the appropriate symbol to protest this substantive pollution of our laws and our waste dumps ("Delivery to Musgrave office downright disgusting," June 9).

Musgrave must go!

Bob Kinsey

Here's how He explains it:
Some people might think shoving an envelope full of dog doody into a mail slot is funny, but unlike your local police department, national-security-oriented bloggers like myself see it for what it truly is, a biological attack launched by Francoliberalislamunists from Mexico.
Guess they needed to keep the locals from mentioning the fact that Marilyn has once again re-introduced her gay marriage amendment. She waits for it to die in the Senate, to then introduce it in the House? What's the point? Oh right, gay-baiting doesn't need much logic.

Bob is mad about Marilyn wasting tens of thousands on her version of publiclly funded campaigning, but we've been having a lot of fun with it here at Musgrave Must Go!

And Coloradans are still waiting for Marilyn to disavow the Ku Klux Klan endorsement. Sheesh.