Marilyn Musgrave has been looking stupid for delaying protecting Rocky Mountain National Park. So she got Senator Wayne Allard to sign onto an opinion editorial that supposedly explains how much she gives a crap about the park. Here's how they try and make Marilyn look smart:
Unfortunately, not enough has been done since to adequately address the economic impacts that would result in the event of severe environmental conditions such as insect infestation, and more also needs to be done to address concerns pertaining to water.
Now, Congressman Mark Udall has issued a smackdown on Marilyn:
I am confident that when the senator and Musgrave read the legislation and fully understand it, they will support it.
The bill is based on recommendations to Congress by President Nixon. It has the support of the Bush administration and, more importantly, of the park's neighbors, including Estes Park and Grand Lake and both Larimer and Grand counties.
Since Marilyn "sits" on the subcommittee for national parks, isn't it her job to read it?
It's right here, Marilyn. Go read.