Creepy Musgrave Crawlies
Musgrave Watch has interviewed Eric Eidsness, the Reform candidate, and here's the Musgrave Machine for you:
Political Operatives Interfering with My Candidacy: The seminal moment that I know I could not run as a Republican came at a luncheon at Red Robin restaurant in Longmont on November 30, 2006 between myself, Monica Sweere, one of my campaign supporters, and two political operatives I believe were sent to me by former Congressman Bob Schaeffer. Schaeffer gave Marilyn his organization, his staff and ultimately her congressional seat.
One of these two operatives was an instructor of Schaeffer’s resuscitated “Leadership Program of the Rockies” which is training operative throughout the state for other than altruistic reasons, in my opinion. The other operative was a side-kick who made claims of associations and accomplishments that were upon checking, simply lies.
The two (who had spent considerable time leading up to that meeting to gain my trust and confidence) made a proposition to me to the effect that if I did not run against Marilyn in the primary, and instead ran in the seat being vacated by Angie Paccione, then I would get “a lot of money” and in 2010, when Marilyn stepped down from her congressional seat, I would be the “anointed one”.
When I asked who authorized them to make this proposition, the answer was, “Senator Wayne Allard”.
It was not the offer per say that turned my stomach; it was the arrogance, lies and duplicity that surrounded the whole experience. It may be “politics as usual” (and I had seen this as a Presidential Appointee in the 1980’s first hand), but such behavior is repugnant to me and I will always fight it.
Allard, of course, denied even knowing these two young bucks (and I believe him, of course). Bob Schaeffer, whom I subsequently confronted, neither confirmed nor denied that he sent these people. He did everything he could do to deflect my probes. These two young men have never given anything to their country, never served in appointed or political office, never bore arms for their, lied through their teeth, and, in the end their arrogance was emblematic of the Republican Party of today.
Thanks for the pickup!
The Musgrave Watch
2010? Does she think she can beat Ken Salazar for his senate seat?
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