Writer claims: 'Bush is not a moron'
Bush is not a moron
I would like to apologize publicly to George Bush. For years I had thought he was a moron and now I realize he is not; he thinks we are morons. First he lied to get us (plus more than 3,000 other Americans, now dead, plus tens of thousands wounded) into a war to take revenge on the guy who tried to kill his father, to subvert the planned Iraqi attempt to convert oil sales from dollars to Euros and to be at last the Big Man he never was. Then he lied to get us to believe he had not lied. Some fell for that; some didn't.
Recently, he and his henchmen (including the draft-dodging Dick Cheney, the Dr. Evil of American politics) have rattled the sabers regarding the theocracy of Iran, threatening to drop a number of large bombs on them if they do not give up their idea of making H-bombs.
A recently released National Intelligence Estimate indicates that Iran halted its weapons program in 2003, but Bush acted as though this was news to him. In fact, his National Security adviser, Stephen Hadley, has said that the report was given to Bush three to four months ago. How does the non-moron react to this? He tells us that this good news is bad news, that Iran is a greater danger than ever because these revelations reinforce the need for international pressure against Iran, that Tehran's secrecy shows it cannot be trusted. Whatever happened to the quaint custom of tarring and feathering?
Charlie Calisher,
Fort Collins
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