Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pombo coming to Greeley!!!!

Speaking of "ethics," Marilyn Musgrave is bringing the biggest special interest kingpin in the Congress, Richard Pombo, to Greeley on Monday!!!
A House committee will hold a hearing in Greeley next week on whether the
Preble's meadow jumping mouse should continue to be protected under the
Endangered Species Act. The hearing was initiated by Rep. Marilyn Musgrave,
R-Colo., and will be chaired by Rep. Richard Pombo, R-Calif., a critic of the
Endangered Species Act.

A fierce dispute arose earlier this year about whether the mouse is a
distinct creature with a dwindling population, or is the same as a more common
species and undeserving of protection. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is
considering whether the mouse should stay on the endangered species list.

The decision affects nearly 31,000 acres in Colorado and Wyoming designated
as critical habitat to help the mouse recover.The mouse has become a symbol of a
broader debate between property-rights advocates who want to scale back the
Endangered Species Act and wildlife advocates who want to ensure enforcement of
the law is science-driven.

Next week's hearing is being billed as "abuses of the Endangered Species
Act: the so-called Preble's meadow jumping mouse."

She's bringing one of the biggest lowlifes in Congress to her district?


Blogger Doogman said...

Gee. I wonder if this has anything to do with all those water-rights meetings earlier this year.

*snif snif* I smell developers (not that it's hard, the whole state reeks of their foul stench) nearby.

Let's see... water rights 'rechanneled', super-duper-slab plans being made, endangered species being shoved out of the way...

I guess anything that builds up the 'base' in the North part of the state is a good thing.

Crooks, hypocrites and NOT representing us at all.

Just another day in Neocondia

September 14, 2006 7:48 PM  

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