Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Marilyn's company

Meet Larry Pratt:

Larry Pratt runs the Gun Owners of America, one of Marilyn Musgrave's biggest backers. Like James Dobson, Tony Perkins, and Lou Sheldon, he's just one more right wing extremist Marilyn looks up to.

This is in the University of Northern Colorado paper:

To the average reader, the fact that Marilyn Musgrave brought Kris Kobach to the University of Northern Colorado campus on Sept. 1 means little.

The significance of Kobach's appearance — and the fact that he accompanied Musgrave — comes from Kobach's relationship ties to leaders of extremist groups.

In 2004, Kobach ran for Congress in Kansas and took money from a special interest Political Action Committee run by the wife of John Tanton, who works with Wayne Lutton to publish white supremacist literature. Lutton now edits The Social Contract Press, which sponsors publications that claim America has a biblical right to kick people out.

I can't help but wonder: Is that really what Jesus would do?

Kobach is also affiliated with the right wing Gun Owners of America (they think the NRA is a bunch of socialists), whose executive director is Larry Pratt. Pratt used to edit an anti-Semitic publication, participates in militia activities and addresses white supremacist and Christian Identity organizations. Kobach took money from these people to go to Congress.

Thankfully, he failed.

It should also be noted that Kobach said the bill supporting a guest worker program for the illegal immigration problem is "a time bomb that is just waiting to do a lot of damage."

I find this interesting since Kobach also claims he supports a strong American economy. Perhaps the issue of immigration only goes skin deep for Kobach.

As a taxpayer, student of UNC and constituent of Marilyn Musgrave, I feel she should neither be bringing individuals like Kobach to our campus, nor should she be honoring any individual coming from backgrounds of discrimination, intolerance and hate.

There comes a time when we all have to take a stand to stop such blatant disregard of other human beings.

There is a safe and reasonable way of dealing with the immigration problem in America and Musgrave has proven to me that she is not capable of handling it.

Heck, Marilyn took money from these same people. She uses Lou Sheldon's group to run her fundraising, and they buy their lists from racist hate publications. She is in Tony Perkins' pocket, and he's played in David Duke's kiddy pool. The KKK endorse her. Anything else?


Blogger Doogman said...

She thinks Purple Heart Band-Aids are funny. Bet that attitude goes over GREAT at Fitzsimmons.

September 12, 2006 3:17 PM  

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