Monday, August 21, 2006

Cronyism comes to CO-04

Marilyn Musgrave brought Dennis Hastert to her district.

“The fight on the (House) floor is between people like Marilyn Musgrave who believe in strong values, Christian values and individualism versus the people who believe in bigger government,” Hastert told the crowd of 75 donors.

Hastert’s 20-minute speech focused primarily on drawing lines between liberals and conservatives, the role of tax cuts in stimulating the economy, and the need for immigration reform that starts with border security.

He thanked Musgrave’s donors and volunteers and urged them to continue to fight to send Musgrave and the “family values she represents” back to Washington, D.C.

This is the guy Jack Abramoff called, "a reliable ally for his clients," a millionaire landowner thanks to being in public office, a draft dodger who thinks he can lecture John McCain on "sacrifice."

Marilyn Musgave works for this guy.


Blogger Doogman said...

IMHO, Dennis Hastert is a lying, crooked bag of slime whose day of reckoning is drawing near.

Can't wait to see him in a long coat and fedora trying to avoid news cams.

"people ... who believe in strong values, Christian values and individualism versus the people who believe in bigger government"

Oh? By 'bigger government' you're not talking about the government that wastes our tax money spying on us just like Nixon, do you?

Hypocrite SOB

August 21, 2006 12:32 PM  
Blogger Musgrave Must Go said...

August 31, 2006 8:58 PM  

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