Sunday, July 23, 2006

Bob Watson: Political payback

The one and only Muskrat Hunter uncovers the "quid pro quo" behind the latest Marilyn Musgrave attack ad. A District Attorney is in one of Marilyn's radio ads, playing Mr. Law & Order, attacking Angie on illegal immigration. Except the Karl Rove playbook is a little screwed up since it was Angie who created a state police unit that will take apart human smuggling and trafficking networks.

They'll say anything, won't they?

Especially when Marilyn Musgrave turns a blind eye to the immigration crisis on the Mariana Islands!

And, according to the Muskrat Hunter, it turns out that DA Bob Watson is actually just using his public office to engage in a little political payback for Marilyn.
Well, since Bobby "Doc" Watson got his back scratched (and the DA job) in 2004, he's all 'bout helpin' out tha Muskrat by doin a lil smearin' on Angie in 2006. That's right, the Muskrat has rolled out her pet District Attorney, Bob Watson, to do a smelly *paid for hit* on Angie. Think of it as metaphorical-like dog poo.
But there's even more irony to this sordid little tale. It was because of the fundraising letter Marilyn sent out for Bob Watson in 2004 that she got in trouble for abusing her office privileges, using her position for political favors, and misleading the press.

Yup, because of her favor for Bob Watson, Marilyn landed on the 13 Most Corrupt Members of Congress list, according to her hometown paper, the Fort Morgan Times. Now she thinks that corruption is paying off for her, because she's using DA Bob Watson to use his official office to attack Angie. Marilyn likes using people for her dirty work.

'Cause Marilyn sent her letter from a "suite" that didn't exist, Suite 777: The Ghost Suite.

The tale begins in early August when the newspaper publisher from Musgrave's hometown of Fort Morgan obtains a copy of a "Dear Friend" mailing sent by Musgrave from Suite 777.

The mailing is a letter written by Musgrave endorsing Bob Watson of Sterling, who, at the time, is campaigning to become district attorney.

Musgrave tries to intimidate the media:

Musgrave even goes so far as to call the newspaper publisher ignorant and ignanomous -- even though ignanomous isn't a real word.

The tale unfolds further with the publisher, undaunted by Musgrave's attempt at intimidation, continuing to search for the reason Musgrave is so upset with his column.

In late August, the publisher has his answer. An official with the House franking office in

Washington, D.C., verifies that his office reviewed the Musgrave letter prior to its mailing and had to approve it as campaign stationery.

The official states he believes the letter was deliberately written to appear as congressional stationery.

What makes the letter "campaign" stationery as Musgrave claims, are the words Suite 777 shown as the 5401 Stone Creek Circle address from where the letter originated.

Musgrave's congressional office address is listed as 5401 Stone Creek Circle, Suite 204 on her congressional Web site.

It's all there, folks.

This has been another edition of I'm A Fool To Do Your Dirty Work, here on Musgrave Must Go. Plenty more links at The Muskrat Hunt.


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