Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Whatcha doin'?

Tough work, if you can get it . . . . .

Chairman Tom Davis, R-Va., noted that lawmakers were missing the groundbreaking ceremony for the Washington Nationals' new ballpark. "Some of us have passed up the opportunity to be there to conduct the people's business," he said.

The people needed the committee to approve H. Res. 753, commending "American craft brewers," and H. Con. Res. 399, recognizing "the 30th anniversary of the victory of United States winemakers at the 1976 Paris Wine Tasting."

Before the lawmakers could adjourn, the people demanded that they name four post offices and declare Congress' support for "the goals and ideals of National Passport Month" (H. Res. 327), "National Tourism Week" (H. Res. 729) and "National Children and Families Day" (H. Res. 763).

The committee's ranking Democrat, Henry Waxman, of California, said all these measures will "give us some opportunity on the House floor to do some business in a session that has been noted for the very few bills that have really been considered in the short period of time in which members have been required to actually work."

That was low — but fairly accurate. If the current lethargy continues, Congress this year will do even less than Harry Truman's famous "do-nothing" Congress of 1947-48.


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