Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Problems? Easy solution

AMERICAblog thinks the DNC has a gay problem. Who cares? It's about winning races. Take down Marilyn Musgrave, and you have taken the fight to the heart of the Holy Homophobes!

You know what to do.


Blogger Doogman said...

Well, you'll have certainly taken down the Wicked Witch of the West, but the real challenge is the backward attitudes of her flying monkeys and the butts they fly out of.

Don't forget, Colorado was one of the very last (the last?) state to ratify Suffrage - hell, lots of the women fought it!! How much more brainwashed can you get?

Civil Rights and tolerance have never been real big around here. Money, property and power have called the shots for way too long. Luckily, the 'booming' economy (which is a foolish lie, IMHO) is finally whiplashing hard enough for folks to wake up and see the 'for lease' and 'liquidation sale' signs. Not to mention the overflowing and dust-coated car lots.

The greed and intolerance are completely out of control and Marilyn Musgrave and her Weld County Wingnut Brigade need to be sent a clear message: SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP.

< end rant>

ah. now I feel better.

May 03, 2006 9:22 PM  

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