Monday, May 01, 2006

Gas pump politics: From your wallet to their pockets

Checkin' out the Auction House page on Marilyn Musgrave. It really makes you think. I mean, if the Republican Party is just an extension of the oil industry - if you think the GOP ain't lookin' out for its interests, you haven't been paying attention - are we supposed to feel more secure when the "security" party has a vested interest in oil dependence?
  • Rep. Musgrave voted against cracking down on the oil and gas industries price gouging.
  • Rep. Musgrave voted for the GOP energy bill that gave billions to oil, gas and nuclear industries.
  • Big oil and gas industries have given Rep. Musgrave $114,350. Any surprise?
And that doesn't count the "leadership" money she's been taking, and you know who's funding the leadership, don't you?

Angie Paccione weighs in:
Americans are too smart to be duped like this. We know hypocrisy when we see it, and this is hypocrisy in its most blatant form. Had the people in charge of Washington, D.C. actually cared about us normal folks driving to work, to the store, to pick our kids up from school, they would have reined in these highway robbers a long time ago. But time and again they let them run wild, in exchange for millions of dollars in campaign contributions -- $141 million in contributions to the Republican Party since 1990, and $56,000 to Marilyn Musgrave in the last three election cycles.

Worse yet, that money is coming from our wallets.
It's easy for the holier-than-thou to justify cutting into your savings while enriching polluters and dictatorships. They're holier than you are, after all.


Blogger Doogman said...

And if they keep it up, they'll get even 'holier'

May 02, 2006 10:39 PM  

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