Monday, May 08, 2006

Bringing sanity to Colorado CD-4

The Denver Post this morning is profiling the race for Musgrave's seat, and show just how in play the district is.

After she dispatched Stan Matsunaka in a close race in 2004, the question is whether Musgrave can hold on to a district that has been Republican since Democrat Wayne Aspinall bowed out in the early 1970s.

The prospects of a third- party candidate - once a Republican - capturing moderate conservative votes could work against Musgrave.

Musgrave's got a lot of DeLay money in the bank, but it's an uphill climb, folks.

So are Paccione and Musgrave, who are already giving voters a taste of what's to come. Last month, a feisty Paccione issued a challenge to Musgrave to a debate, "anytime, anywhere."

A look at Paccione's campaign website shows a string of news releases critical of Musgrave's voting record and allegations that the congresswoman has been conducting a "baseless smear" campaign against the challenger.

"Marilyn has absolutely no ethical compass," Paccione is quoted as saying in a news release on her website.

And as summer approaches, things will only heat up.

"As a former athlete, Paccione will be persistent; she has learned not to give up because she is behind in the game, so to speak," said Steve Mazurana, a University of Northern Colorado political science professor.

Damn straight.


Blogger Doogman said...

I'm wondering why Musgrave and Co. are so frightened... I thought the Republicans were the 'tough' party - unafraid of anyone, able to protect America.


Tha Muskrat's havin trouble coverin' her own butt... (which in all honesty is no small task in and of itself).

She won't debate cause she's a moral coward, IMHO.

May 08, 2006 11:22 PM  

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