Friday, April 21, 2006

War as Republican celebration

The chickenhawks and dumb-as-a-monkey trolls supporting this president's stupid non-security policies have got to go. Just read this at TPM Cafe:
I got a letter from The Heritage Foundation. It asked me if am “fed up” with the anti war left, anti war media, …and the other anti war people, groups and institutions? If yes, I can send them a check. I wonder. Are not all decent human beings anti war?You can believe that there were WMD in Iraq, that when we had no choice toprevent an attack we had to invade Iraq or some other such poppycock—but still fed up with war. I bet that the person who wrote this send-me-your-bucks letter was never in combat. I was for 2 and half years.
That reminded me of this incredibly stupid comment Marilyn Musgrave made at the Boulder County Republican Assembly:

Musgrave charged that state Rep. Angie Paccione, the Fort Collins Democrat also seeking the 4th CD seat, "is anti-war" and would join congressional Democrats who consider the U.S. servicemen and women in Iraq to be "occupiers" of that country.



Blogger Doogman said...

Musgrave is filth. She's prated endlessly about supporting the troops, but picked their pockets and slashed their equipment money again and again and again.

I'd LOVE to know how she'll 'tell it to the Marines' guarding the Pearly Gates. I can see it now: "Ms. Musgrave? We've been a-waitin for ya ma'am. Kindly go to Hell" (trapdoor)

April 21, 2006 5:52 PM  

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