Monday, April 24, 2006

Here we go again

From AMERICAblog:
Here we go again. Bastards:
About 50 prominent religious leaders, including seven Roman Catholic cardinals and about a half-dozen archbishops, have signed a petition in support of a constitutional amendment blocking same-sex marriage.
Fostering hatred and discrimination -- and enshrining it in the constitution. Because really, what else would the religious community in America -- especially the Catholics -- have to worry about?

This is so much bigger than gay marriage. The GOP and the theocrats are going after gays now. But, they really want to invade the privacy of all Americans.


Blogger Musgrave Must Go said...

Damn. Great comment!

This is going to be a long, kickasser of a fight. Can't wait.

April 25, 2006 8:42 AM  
Blogger Doogman said...

It is way bigger than sexual orientation - the far distant theologic 'right' (to avoid anyone even considering that means 'correct') would just LOVE to get all the Blue Laws back on the books.

As for marriage, they like nothing better than to deny any marriage-rights to folks in common-law marriages too. It's all about churchy gettin it's share. No real wedding? No benefit sharing. Period.

Inch by inch the right is trying to take back every damn thing we've fought for over the years. How many salaried folks you know in a job with 'mandatory overtime'? That's just exploitation, period. Don't forget that Colorado is the state that fought unions to point of burning union activists alive after driving them out of their homes into the snow. It's also the state that fought Suffrage to the bitter, evil end.

Compassionate Conservative is a laugh - these vicious crimminals would kill every last one of us in cold blood if they thought for a nanosecond they could get away with it.

Trent Lott wasn't kidding when he said 'We're going to build the Party till we're hunting Democrats with dogs'

Ever notice how many DOGS there are in Colorado???

April 25, 2006 10:09 PM  
Blogger Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Yep, they are up to their dirty tricks again. They always pull out the wedge issues when it's election time.

April 30, 2006 11:20 AM  

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