Friday, March 10, 2006

Late regrets for wasting everyone's time?

Isn't it interesting how the 11 "constituents" are backing off now that the House leadership unanimously blew them off?

From the Longmont paper, even the Sheriff sounds like he wasn't even sure what the hell he was complaining about in the first place:

"Someone needed to look at and make that determination," Alderden said. "An ethics committee was an appropriate venue to look at it."

Alderden said he is not clear how many people received the initial Paccione e-mail. But he said if it was a large number, "someone needs to be held accountable for that action, be it Angie or her campaign manager. Obviously, someone wasn’t on top of the situation and should’ve been on top of the situation."

Uhhhh, doesn't that kind of admit Angie's original point? That someone screwed up and they fixed it within half an hour? Ol' Chuckie Fox is sounding a little less sure of himself:
"If they have some good reasons why it shouldn’t go forward, I’m fine with that," he said.
Where'd that outrage go, "constituent"?
"I didn’t really like the answer she gave," Fox said. "If she had been forthcoming and straightforward, I would have been saying 'Hey, this happens to all of us.'"
What a dork. You old hypocrite. Like you weren't slobbering over yourself to do Marilyn a favor. You just made yourself look stupid's all. Here's Angie right after it happened:
"We’re a campaign of second chances. This was an honest, innocent mistake, and that’s how you learn," Paccione said. "We want to focus on the issues, not a mistake that a young person made in their first political campaign."
Here's another one of them blabbling away in the Coloradoan:

Faith Atwood, a Republican from Fort Collins who signed the complaint, said she was satisfied with the ruling but disappointed with Paccione and didn't believe her explanation that a staffer sent out the letter without her permission.

"She didn't have that many employees. I thought it was crummy of her to blame it on a staffer," she said.

Uhh, since when did Angie's "volunteer" get turned into Faith Atwood's "staffer"? Can't she read? She can't even keep from contradicting herself.

Seems like folks are sounding like they got sold a bad carton of milk by Marilyn, and are regretting looking stupid, opportunistic, and vicious in public. Marilyn doesn't mind bringing you down to her level, I bet.

Enough said about the credibility of this crowd.


Blogger Doogman said...

You know, the truly horrifying part of this is the naked face of partisanship appearing at the head of the SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT.

Golly, think it's safe to protest outside any Larimer County event? Don't think the fine-young-country-boys-turned-sheriffs wouldn't 'accidentally' crack your head open? The threat is implicit and quite clear.

The record of the Republican Party with regards to dissent is quite clear: contradict us and we'll arrest you, beat you and then deny you justice.

Musgrave and all her thuggish cohort must go.

Unless, as a Democrat, you ENJOY wearing orange.

March 10, 2006 10:29 PM  

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