How to honor the troops
The March 7 headline "Uniformed soldiers at GOP event raise hackles" hit home with me.
New York and Washington columnists criticized the use of uniformed military personnel for GOP promotion. John Jones, chairman of the Larimer County Democrats, suggested Marilyn Musgrave should use her influence to increase veteran benefits rather than "grandstand" uniformed personnel to raise GOP position by bringing them to a GOP event. I strongly agree.
As a retired 30-year Air Force Reserve officer and covered by TRICARE for prescription medications, I picked up my heart medication that has been shown to greatly reduce "second cardiac events" (read heart attacks) in people with a previous cardiac event. I was informed that the 30-day supply was now $13 more per month's supply, compared to last year.
To Musgrave and fellow Republicans: A reduction of military medical benefits, while funding tax cuts for the wealthy? Think about it!
Lloyd C. Helper,
Lt. Col. USAFR retired,
Fort Collins
DoD reissues regulations.
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