Monday, March 13, 2006

Denver Post is on the case

The Denver Post deigns to "report" on the Republicanized Marines story. It doesn't occur to them that it might be important enough to actually do some work on. "Honoring" or "using"? Big difference.

Props or patriots?

Next time Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave sees a photographer, she'd better check who's standing behind her.

The Fort Collins Coloradoan recently ran a picture of Musgrave that had left-wing bloggers panting for days. The photo was of Musgrave introducing a uniformed Marine at the Larimer County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner.

It was a nice photo - campaign brochure quality, in fact. And that had
some bloggers seeing red. Military regulations strictly limit the participation of active, uniformed military personnel at partisan events. Some saw it as just another example of Republicans using military vets as props.

But a Marine Corps spokeswoman told the Coloradoan that just being
honored at an event isn't against regulations, and organizations from both parties have sought to honor returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans - as they should.

The Larimer County GOP pulled its Marine photo from its website, but it can still be found in the archives.


Blogger Doogman said...

But a Marine Corps spokeswoman...
Who courageously did not GIVE THEIR NAME.

This is bullshit and I want an official answer - until then the GOP has broken the law and gotten away with it.

How far does it go THIS TIME???

The fact that the Denver Post is playing along with this idiotic patty-cake underlines their complicity.

March 13, 2006 10:54 PM  

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