Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bill Winter Blog blogs Musgrave travesty

You know, in this day and age it really means something when a candidate for office takes time out of their own life-consuming battle to stand up for what's right somewhere else. That's quality. That's class. That's what we're seeing right now, as Bill Winter -- all-American badass -- gives Tom Tancredo a quick breather so he can give Marilyn Musgrave a piece of his mind.

Aaron blogs at Winter For Congress:
At the GOP Lincoln Day Dinner, it appears that two Marines dishonored their uniforms by speaking in those uniforms at a clearly partisan event. They then allowed those uniforms to be used as props for the campaign of Marilyn Musgrave, and their photographs appeared in the Ft. Collins Coloradoan and on the Larimer County GOP website.

After enough outrage was raised, the Republicans removed this photo from their site, that I was still able to find at the local blog MusgraveMustGo.
Hell yeah, you were.


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