Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Moral Majority: Keep 'em out of church!

Marilyn Musgrave is part of the Jack Abramoff-Tom DeLay machine, which is kept filled by the Chinese labor sweatshop system the GOP has set up on the Marianas Islands. This radio report tells how they did it. Marilyn Musgrave sits on two committees, Education/Workforce and Resources, which oversees the slave labor conditions on the islands. Marilyn Musgrave has done nothing.

Remember when Ralph Reed lost? Reed was supposed to have a Moral Army come out to save his ass, but they didn't show up. Dengre has a simple explanation:

A consensus is building about the Reed defeat: Forced Abortions are bad for the GOP.

It has been 11 Years since Jack Abramoff began his work to protect a system of sweatshops, human trafficking, force prostitution and forced abortion on the Commonwealth of North Mariana Islands (CNMI).

The Holy Rollers are generous when it comes their leaders spread war, misery, and pestilence. But when it comes to forced abortions, suddenly GOTV doesn't seem so holy, holy, holy. There's more!

Japko said her friend was forced to work overtime most days, even when she did not want to, and had "to sneak out" of the compound whenever she wanted to attend church services.

Especially when the Marilyn's protection racket conspired to keep laborers from going to church!


Blogger Doogman said...

Let's keep something very clear - the GOP has *said* they want to 'take the gloves off'.

Remind folks of that in a month when they're crying 'foul' as we bring up -their- record of failure and corruption.

Absolutely NO quarter now.

September 12, 2006 11:35 AM  

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